Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scorpio Man Pisces Woman March


As it stands now. In 10 minutes you have to really strongly away (from this Reason, it had also attracted the beautiful black sweatshirt), Kitty looks at you with love, you pet them - and may the beautiful sweater for the evening forgotten because he is from top to bottom vollgehaart. Man puts on a less beautiful garment, scurries out of the house and is annoyed.

This article relates to "dangerous" hair loss - so extreme without hair, bald patches that remain back.

articles on the more serious cases, that will maintain bald patches in the fur back, can you find here:

Why the cat sheds so much? (Causes)

We listen to you a number of causes, which may be responsible for the enormous loss of hair your cat.

before summer and winter go as well as all the cats that come every now and then to fresh air, through the shedding. This old hairs are shed from the coat to make new hair "place". Particularly, the enormous shedding between spring and summer, because there comes the cat under her wool hair from a large part, to avoid overheating in summer.

wrong food:
Do you know people who are feed almost entirely of chocolate, pizza, cola and beer? If so, you have probably noticed that these people are very prone to baldness, and the few hairs that are still there, are often flooded. In cats, it is no different. Poor nutrition leads to hair loss and fine elsewhere at a less coat.

hormonal changes:
after castration, sheaves, or other pregnancy related hormones happen will happen Nissen cats can sometimes lose a lot of hair. This type of hair loss, however, shall within three weeks.

race Conditional:
Certain breeds tend to be particularly very thick hair, for example, Persian, Norwegian Forest cats and other long-haired breeds. It is striking here is that not all the pure hair the most, but has gotten the hybrids, for example, less favorable as the undercoat of a Carthusian, and a coat over Burma. This may look very nice, but a lot of work for the vacuum cleaner ... ;)

diabetes or parasites:
If you notice that your cat in addition to the extreme hair otherwise rather "weak" appears, their coat is dull and is often listless, you should definitely consult a vet!

What can you do against strong hair (solutions):

In most cases you will not be able to set the hair of a cat completely. However, there are some tricks that can help you to reduce the hair.

Daily brushing:
It is important that you do not resort to a comb, but a brush. Most suitable grooming gloves for cats, because they do not feel uncomfortable. Especially with long-haired animals, however, may prove a Slicker Brush better because it reaches the undercoat and loose hair gently away. Through daily brushing verminderst you not only the extent of flying hair, but erleichterst your cat also the shedding.

suck Daily:
Direct recommends after brushing it, durchzusaugen the apartment again. Presumably you do it anyway and then the whole lay behind the brush, is just much more sense because at least some time resting before flying hair Sun

diet change:
This tip is particularly true for cat owners who feed their cats only dry food. For that is the long term simply not healthy for the skin nose. Imagine you would only live on muesli bars in different flavors. You would then certainly not healthy for so long, right? Here again, as always: The cheapest wet food is healthier in the long run as the most expensive dry food. And even healthier than canned food is BARF . The effect of better food shows the way, after about three weeks and often stops in front of a lifetime. : Feed)

In support of better food you can give to your cat and feed additives. Here you ask your vet but is best as you can help your cat best. Silky, healthier skin is, for example, with wheat germ oil, salmon oil or olive oil.

image CC by 2.0 Eddy Van 3000


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