Thursday, November 4, 2010

Coconut Oil And Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair

Cat - yes or no

cats are fascinating creatures that stand out for independence, intelligence and individuality. What is for some, however, a reason to praise cats in the sky, for others a reason to but rather to get a hamster or a dog as a pet.

In this article we want to help you find out if a cat is really the appropriate animal for you and your (future?) Cat also with you as Person would cope. Just answer all questions as honestly as possible and you know soon if you "yes" or "No" you say to a cat as a pet.

First we look at your circumstances to see if you can offer your cat a decent living.

Cat - Yes or No? The material side

  1. you have an apartment that is at least 15 square meters?
  2. Could you do without in your house additional space for a scratching post, a litter box, a clean feeding area and one or another niche to hide?
  3. Do you have a chance for the cat to go outside go to (small garden, adjacent forest, etc.)? Or alternatively, you're ready to remodel your house a bit so there is more variety for the puss?
  4. Are you ready to save at least 20 € per month to keep your cat has enough to nibble?
  5. Are you ready to go with your cat to the vet if she is sick?
You should be here at least 4 questions to answer "yes" because cats need a certain standard of living healthy and happy to be able to.

we will now look at your character. Would you really do with a cat?

Cat - Yes or No? The mental side

  1. If it easy for you to forgive?
  2. Are you patient?
  3. Can you just tolerate their own decisions (yes) or do you have to determine overall (No)?
  4. is important to you the love of a person as something material (money, furniture)?
  5. makes you nothing out of the doors open to let in your house?
  6. Can you keep clean?
  7. Can you every day for at least 30 minutes of your time, "grab some" of you to devote the care of your cat? Can you do without
  8. on spontaneous vacations and weekend trips or alternatively always know someone who will take care of your cat?
  9. Can you understand your cat as a separate character (Yes) or do you see in it more of a living teddy bear to comfort you with loneliness (No)? Can you handle it
  10. not to be seen by someone at the center of the earth?
Here you should be at least 8 of the 10 questions with "yes" or "Yes side" can answer.

Only if you have a character that fits a cat, you can feel it in the long run as a luxury, a cat to have in your apartment. Always remember that cats, as clean as they are, dirt and make every day a want to have clean toilets and a clean, filled food dish. Also, from one day to be on the other scratches to your beloved furniture.

Are you forgive, but in the situation and see the beautiful, graceful and individuals in a cat, you should no longer stand in the way, to give a cat a new territory (your home).


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