Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Poptropica At Funbrain

cat too fat - What to do?

Many cat owners do sooner or later worry about the weight of their fur nose. Appeared the cat last week much thinner? Did she not lately an unusually big appetite?

In most cases, puts the fear of cat owners again because they realize that it was only a brief illusion either the cat or a new coat layer has increased for the winter.

In some cases, however, the concern justified. Many "modern" cats can save themselves from almost treats - and by that we mean not only that which finds the cat at home, but also outside the door ... No wonder then that some cats are too fat!

How do I know that my cat is too fat?

  • Bow down on your cat and look at them from above. Is your waist, so the slightly "inside" curved area between the hind legs and abdomen, recognizable, and if so, you you need you less to worry about. If the waist barely visible, there is slightly overweight. If the waist even arched outwards, your cat is too thick and must be removed urgently.
  • Tastprobe: Feel the back of your cat and the area of her ribs. Can you feel her backbone and ribs?

    If they feel without any pressure, you have a normal cat. Ribs and backbone are difficult to feel, the feline friend is a little too thick. Do you have the greatest difficulty to touch the bones under the layer of fat is your cat obese. after
  • probe now under her belly: Do you feel there, especially in the rear, with a layer of fat under the skin? How thick is the layer? Hang them already down or is it still "close" the cat's body?

    feel no or only a slight layer of fat, your cat has normal weight. Do you feel, however, a significant layer of fat, or even a layer of fat that hangs down should you help your cat to remove.

How can I help my cat lose weight?

Think about it: how do we take from people? Right! Through sport and proper nutrition. Why should it be different for your cat?

Here are a few suggestions to help your cat to lose weight:
  • More exercise: Open your front door as often as possible, so your cat can be motivated to go out and explore the world, rather than the all day on the sofa dozing.
  • Multiplayer: Play means movement. Wusel so at least once a day with a thread or anything else that moves your cat to play, before the run around. The longer they play freely, the better. This must be said, however, that you do with an individual to have, like the self determination, to play and when. Shows your cat does not like, just try again later.
  • Less Food: The preponderance your cat does not come by accident. She probably eats too much. Look once again due: Normal cats eat, depending on their race, between 200 and 250 g of wet cat food day (!). This quantity is ideally divided into 2 or three meals, so the cat all day is not over fed and over eating. Your cat eats more than that should you chuck your diet at least reduce this amount! In severe cases of cat overweight, it makes sense to even be reduced to 150g cat food per day until the cat bit has taken
  • The right food. Many overweight cats take almost exclusively dry food to him. At first glance, dry food is very attractive: It is inexpensive appear easy (so many cat owners think that it is also low in calories), easy to dose, low odor, and also the producers promise that wet food is equal. Well, it may be mistaken. The low price comes from the cat-unfriendly ingredients (such as corn waste) that can be bought cheap. And the low weight is because the TrockenfĂĽtter all moisture has been withdrawn. As a Follows that the cat not only notice how much they eat just as real. Only in the stomach is the food in the stomach of the cat and untersäuert this. The cat now has to drink a disproportionate amount to the lack of moisture back in balance. Did you know the cats in the wild drink almost nothing? Do your cat a favor and put them at least half of them on wet food!
  • Less treats: We are a few cases known where to get the fat cat but the right food in the right quantity, but still has 3-4 kilos too much on the ribs. This is often because the owners their cats too much affection in the form of treats . Have placed Here's a treat, then a piece of sausage, a bowl of milk and finally to half a chicken thigh. In this way, accept cats at nearly double the food than you think! Show your cat your love is not in the form of treats, if it is too thick. Caress them with love or talk to her. This also makes them happy.
  • The right treats: We recommend that your cat if you give her treats have to give the right ones. Cottage cheese and skim cheese are very friendly and popular with cats. Instead of the normal bought treats, we recommend you to cook one quarter chicken or turkey breast (no spices), in small pieces and spread over several days feeding. A good recipe to cook can be found here: make cat food itself (with recipe) .
image CC by 2.0 basykes


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