Thursday, January 27, 2011

White, Wax-like Particles In Urine

Can you cat eat vegetarian?

Eco (in German: Eco) is in. This is evident not only in the supermarket, where the fair trade and organic section continues increases. Even fashion stores like H & M, Zara, and so on offer for a small fee Fashion, it is made of cotton-controlled productions. Of electrical manufacturers need not speak it - it's been since the beginning of the new millennium, all designed to save power and thus protecting the environment.

are also more and more people aware of their own responsibility towards the earth, the other people and animals - dare many of them the step of vegetarianism (the eighth most still prefer to fair-trade label as the obligatory steak ... do without;).

This trend of eco, Eco, Fair Trade, etc. is also vegetarian and vegan pet food emerged.

Now the question: Is it good a pure carnivore like the cat, a food to feed without any meat?

Why should we feed the cat vegetarian?

vegetarian cat food with a match to wipe off the table and as "nonsense" to dismiss, would certainly be unjustified. The manufacturers of products such as Vegecat have - presumably without the profit motive - did their best, the nutrient requirements of the nasal skin's needs.

meat consumption is not generally ethically acceptable: (! Not from hunger)
  • Quite apart from the question of whether man has any right to kill an animal to make it his pleasure to eat, you should at the Eighth circumstances under which the animal is bred as a product. Many pigs and chickens to see throughout their short life not a single fresh, green grass - let alone the blue sky.
  • also need huge masses of soy, wheat, fodder beets are grown, etc., in order to feed all these animals. The vegetables would be welcome in stomachs, which have to starve otherwise.
    So who will this world become a vegetarian - whether the human or the animal's sake - the same can not be safely kept negative.
  • And points are not a certain paradox when one hand, his Cat loves everything about their happiness and wishes, while the fate of a myriad of other creatures is simply not care?
normal cat food is not better:
  • start with the wet food. This is the addition of certain dietary supplements (referred to here is primarily taurine) mixed together resulting from meat waste. So far so good. After all, are slaughtered just for a cat and dog, other animals, but simply using what the people will not "fit". By the way include hooves, feathers, cartilage, etc. The cat gets so with this feed "Real" meat, but - like vegetarian cat food - fortified with nutrients, since otherwise the nutrient balance is not right and the cats are suffering from severe shortages would.
  • dry food: The reader who has ever been on this side knows: We are not a fan of it. ;) This has a number of reasons. First, dry food contains only a small percentage of "real" meat (some cheap food, it is only 10% - and the meat comes from waste derived). The rest are soy and cereal (wastes) that are mixed with the meat and pressed into a new "respectable" forms. Nutrients are of course here en masse added. Diabetes in cats is dry food, tartar, skin problems, trigger various allergies and the like - especially when wet food is not fed.

Why you should NOT feed his cat vegetarian:

At first glance, so lovingly Act vegetarian cat food actually more attractive than conventional food. Now we just have to still consider the other side of the coin ... ;)

The nutrient content:
  • As mentioned above, the original manufacturers vegetarian diet (In any case, the legitimate manufacturer!) Big trouble, all the nutrients needed a cat in their food to mix. And do as the manufacturers of wet and dry food blogs, they are also not exempt from the following argument: There is namely a big difference to a cat if it receives nutrients such as taurine in "natural" form directly from the muscle tissue of their prey or supplied translators "artificial" form. The artificially supplied nutrients often can not be optimally absorbed and therefore are excreted without being utilized.
cats are carnivores:
  • Cats has been around for 30 million years ago and have always been carnivores - that is pure carnivores (dogs are not unlike the - dogs can eat almost easy vegetarian!). Her whole body is adapted to the consumption of meat and instructed.
  • cats have a relatively short small intestine (as opposed to herbivores such as cows and sheep) in which the food is present, therefore, only a short time. As a result, the food that what is "pure", are digested quickly and efficiently must find.
  • In the small intestine of the cat, therefore, mainly enzymes, see themselves on the decomposition of proteins. Roughage such as grass, are to some extent also digested (the wild cat eats yes, the stomachs of their prey, which are filled with plant food), but not nearly as efficient as proteins. Also
    carbohydrates (eg potatoes and grains) can be digested - but also inefficient. For example, if too much grain fed to a cat, she ruled that either a majority of unused or busy their metabolic cycle.
    vegetarian cat food (by the way just like dry food) may therefore be less efficiently digested by the cat and possibly even their metabolic overload.

Our conclusion on "Vegetarian Cat food "

  • nutrients: Considering you that the manufacturers normal young folks did not follow the glory, one can assume that vegetarian cat food in terms of nutritional content to keep up probably with a regular supermarket food
  • pollutants.: Looking rotten meat scandals, avian flu, swine fever and foot-and-mouth disease, and the new revelations about dioxin is superior to the vegetarian food most clearly You only have to think short. If even our people such things are sold, which get then fed only love our animals
  • digestibility? say One must simply that cats simply are not vegetarian, and problems with digestion can get. In fact, tolerate many cats (especially the elderly, which is nothing more usual) not vegetarian food.
  • ethics Since the consumption of meat that can hardly be welcomed ethically good, this point you also to the vegetarians. On the other hand, this is a point that the cat does not care themselves. So the decision is for the good of the animal, he should be omitted.

What we advise you: do not

Both feeding methods are ideally suited to the natural Feed the cat vote. Of course, for a cat is fresh meat - in the ideal case of almost live or live animals. Looks so stop by our other pages and getting informed on other alternatives to supermarket food. make


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