Thursday, October 21, 2010

Universal Remote For Emerson Ewf2006

parasites: roundworms

roundworms are the most commonly occurring in cats endoparasites (internal parasites) and belong to the category of nematodes. Nematodes, in contrast to tapeworms a 1-host cycle, need only a host to grow and reproduce.
you live in the small intestine when they are adults and are characterized by an extremely high risk of infection because nematodes can infect a hand as good as anything that has a small intestine and produce other hand, enormous quantities of eggs (per female per day up to 200,000!) . Where did the cat get


  • The resistant eggs of roundworms can in a wet meadow soil and survive for many months, if they are then taken up, awake to life and mature. "Dog toilets" and other places where droppings are found much so that the main infection zones.
  • You can however also be directly transmitted from host to host, so from a cat to the next and - possibly - from mother cats to their babies before they are born. Man remains above the beasts also not safe, so children should definitely be kept away from infected cats (and other animals).

As you can see that the cat has roundworms?

  • She abnormal digestive processes such as diarrhea, constipation, vomiting and blood in the feces.
  • noodle-like pieces can be found around the anus or in feces. They are then roundworm pieces.
  • The cat has anemia.
  • A weight loss is becoming apparent.
  • you get shaggy and dull skin.
  • And the cat is suffering from a weakened immune system and lack of strength.

Why are round worms dangerous?

  • particularly for young animals and nursing mothers can Spulwurmbefall be dangerous because the worms remove essential nutrients and thus prevent normal development. Already weakened even young animals can die from worm infestation.
  • transfer is extremely fast - even on people.

How to combat roundworms?

  • Just like the roundworm tapeworm can be largely prevented or at least is is not a difficult treatment when it comes to worm infestation.
  • General should be wormed every free-ranging cat 4x per year (that means you can buy inexpensively at the vet).
  • The same agent that is used to prevent, is also used for treating acute worm infestation. ( Here you can read how you give your cat the paste.)
  • Hand washing is particularly important to protect themselves against the beasts
  • addition, the litter box to be emptied 2x a day and a complete cleaning can be subjected.
  • favorite places of the cat as well as blankets, pillows etc should also be at least 1x washed thoroughly so as to avoid a re-infection.
  • of children and other animals, an infected animal should be kept away generally.
image CC 2.0 by ZeroOne


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