Saturday, October 30, 2010

Does Urologist Treat Kidney Cysts

cat cat

Many cat owners have sooner or later the situation that their beloved feline friend has disappeared almost undetectable . This is of course sad, especially since it is now possible to use search networks, electronic tools and so on to find the cat again.

What chipping?

is most familiar with this process at Cats and dogs can, of course, but also in other animals such as horses are made.

This is a small chip that is no bigger than a fingertip using a needle into the neck of the animal injected. In our experience, the process is almost painless, so the animal can feel something, but no pain.

The chip has a unique number is stored, which leads back to the owner, where that has registered for free at Tasso eV.

If the chip is only once in the neck, will not shift more and he may at any time from the outside using a special device to be read. The chip is completely safe for humans and animals and should therefore be drawn from each animal owners at least once considered.

What is chipping well?

chipping means for animal and owner of an insurance policy that even if the animal once "lost" a good chance that it comes back.

Many animals run away or are due to unfortunate coincidences not go home, sooner or later found by someone and taken either to the nearest animal shelter or vet. Both the veterinarian and animal shelters have chip-reading devices that can scan the number on the neck of the animal and thus can determine the owner.

Is the animal once chipped, you have to make as the owner that the number is registered with Tasso eV. Tasso eV is completely free and very easy to handle. In many cases you can simply ask the vet, as a rule, this also has brochures and registration forms of Tasso, which you can then take it home to you and fill out.

How expensive is chipping?

We think the chipping is more than worth its price. Because in most cases, the price is less than 35 €. Some veterinary practices even offer it for only 7 €.

together with the chip in the neck and the way you get the Europe AusweiƟ for his pet if one that still has not. This is not free, but usually included in the chip cost.

Registration with Tasso eV, one can not say often enough it is free and very easy on the internet (or sheets, which you must fill out) to carry out. Tasso and without registration, the chip worthless, otherwise animal shelters, etc., find the animal, a mere paragraph without finding any clue of who owns the animal.

image CC by 2.0 plastic revolver


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