Monday, March 31, 2008

Purple Under Eye Circles Mac

no thanks ... or how fast does not make unpopular

In today's episode we present to you a charming and above all lovable people before, what advice assumes you.

His name is Kohaku and he is very friendly and is grateful for any help. As it is times as well, there are always issues that brings with it our nice DKI. So it is no surprise that this young man some day have a question must be:

hey @ all, I am indeed
net new here (No smoking since autumn 2007), but I always dizzy, have headache, I'll thin it Bißle n sleepy. Scholars have tried everything (eat, drink, fresh air) but i like what has brought nothing.

can vlt me. be helped?

Mhmm, the question might be whether to help him, we do not answer at this point. Maybe later ...

Well ... friendly as the people so there is an answer. This included exceptional times actually useful tips which are considered fully and well. Of course, this is a rarity as we know, but we let this

Here we show briefly the facts which contained the answer:

first Tobacco is too much?
second Body can not tolerate nicotine?
third note tips from the first post of the thread (to drink, air, food)
4th take breaks between the make ...
5th quit smoking because it is unhealthy and the body is not obviously compatible.

Wonderful. There's nothing there to improve. These tips should give you a think or it? Of course who is going to volunteer his health on the game of life? No one, unless he or she belongs to the people who were from the article "disobedience to the death" described in detail. What is missing is a token. And promt writes seeking help:

come and stop all net in question already spent too much Augenzwinkern

Oh my goodness is true. All the money he has spent since the fall of 2007 is yes, then gone. That would be like as if I quit skiing because I only have I lost both legs. Even worse ... as, I would note that I have paid so much money to pimp this car and now I have lost my rag and I still go because it would have otherwise been a waste of money for my car. Terrible thought.

If you imagine the situation for a doctor visit:

Doctor: You have cancer and it helps if they stop smoking now. Then we can help you further to 99%.

Patient: No way. You stupid Quaksalber. Ick shit on your opinion. I have now bought just last week in Poland, three more rods. As far as is yet I will now stop.

Definitely. I would not do it too.

matter .. everyone would react this way so it's nothing special ... reports

Once again the friendly volunteers to speak and says he is still time to go to a shisha cafe to smoke and there. Perhaps it would indeed be due to its setup.

eagerly waiting for the answer we can finally read:

jo thanks for But just the tip money is from ^ ^ naja un shisha bar -----> am 14 from there. But vlt. ma with my father

Bing. As we begin to see and as we had known it. The tramp is revealed. 14 years and of course the wisdom of eating with spoons. What else? Insightful: far from it. We are 14 and the world open to us. We are free, wild and horny for our DKI. Problems we do not know ...

Well .. apart from that he just realized it does not comply with even the 14 against a law, it is but it matter if he already used illegally ne whistle or not.

be played will include tips and just been suggested that smoking is only allowed over 18. So what? What does the world ever:

the forum is sometimes cool and sometimes sau sau dam *****. is surely my decision whether I first SHISHA smoke or net second that's good or net and 3 because ultimately if I die or non. People like you should be well and happy month for ma NEN ban or something. I would advice
namely n and k second mother!

..... * Silent *.

And tomorrow I'll go rob the bank and the Post Bank ...

is surely my decision whether I

stealing second that's good or not
third I am an ambitious shot by a security guard
4th People like these authors here should be hanged on the spot ... I would only NEN tip as I rob a bench and then has to read such a boring text.



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