Saturday, February 16, 2008

Minute Maid Heartwise Of

colored smoke and tobacco instead of tobacco cans responses

"Is it possible that one of the smoke-i-coloring wiei or so ..? So I've ALSO nihct white smoke but is colored red or else?"

THE ladies and gentlemen, is but a truly world-shaking or question?. Let's see, yet what the very knowledgeable members of the group "Shisha & Co" have to say this:

were "up there ma son red doppelapfeltaback because was the red smoke was
aba containing also banned because of health ^ ^ "

Oh yes. Red = Red tobacco smoke understand. to. That is very clear. How could it be otherwise. The red dye is vaporized and the tobacco then rises through the smoke column. By reacting with the water of the vaporized dye is again visible. NaĆ¼trlich is keeping it a health hazard and is prohibited as it is to smoke after repeated in acute cerebral atrophy. The same effect can also be highly toxic cherry juice in the Bowl erziehlen

"you can smoke auhc for Blauner, indigo (tepid color powder, not synthetic or non synthetic) do in the head.
if you then ne occure hinbekommt temperature of auhc is blue.
should only breathe I do not know whether the then auhc ncoh.. D "

Yes of course this is of course ger same effect as when you light a blue candle, you get a wonderfully beautiful, blue flame burns because as we learn now or smoke any substance in the color in which it occurs in nature, grass green, wood is brown and cherry red.

Well they were expert statements to colored smoke, who'd like to smoke colored for this specialized collection of tricks in no case around!.

But further in the text ...

This topic concerned the treatment of tobacco, according to more or less meaningful contributions I had read:

"man can also mix the tobacco with little NEN alk, then sit in the sun and then the sun is chemical reaction, then popped right"

AHHHHH yes .. this reaction, I would like to see ma. The alcohol certainly decomposed the high-quality flavors of tobacco and converts them into wonderful popping THC. At least.

However, one can post the Vesteh differently.

tobacco + alk + Sun - (great chemical reaction) -> boooooooom

Tobacco "pops" right. How NEN gun:) Wonderful.

I rather think the author of the contribution has been sitting too long in the sun and caused the said by a sunstroke the tobacco found to be very intense. Certainly this is also one of those great pike, the realistic 500g tobacco smoke to 2 on a week end;)

In this sense
cheerful bubbling with colorful smoke and "popping" tobacco


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