Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Is Cockroach Poop Like

Introduction to Planning

Arch DI Michael Pech

02/20/2009 21/02/2009 23/02/2009

exam questions:

first Identify measures to reduce construction costs over the information to the architects

- space program
- apartment sizes
- Wohnungsmix
- ratio of net usable area (low-viscosity) of gross floor area (bGFL)
- construction
- Building Materials (for wall construction, roof construction, facade, floor structures, etc.)

principle, have clear objectives and precise formulation of the planning commission and avoid re-planning, see below the list of items to be passed when ÖSW to architects

second How can the construction costs will be positively influenced (already in the planning)? See page 48 ff 3.1.2

are the most influential cost factors:

- low-viscosity ratio: 80% bGFL optima: 100%
- Ratio of enclosed area / usable floor space including TG ≤ 5.0
- ratio surface area / usable floor area
- absolute size of the construction-static approach
- standard equipment by optimizing, for example, one slot planning, short routes for piping,

3. What is the Housing Fund of Vienna? His duties?

p. 54 ff fourth notes soft urban renewal, non-profit organization with more service-service operation. Improvement of living and quality of life in existing residential buildings and apartment blocks, housing research and eco-construction .. Ground delivery to the subsidized housing. Remediation and assessment of funding application (subsidies for social housing projects) dazu.Welche fundamental assessment is made by wohnfonds_wien? The decision on ground delivery to the subsidized housing and about the qualities of a building project.

4th What information do you need to perform their own analysis of a property for a specific property? How does one?

See page 158 ffSkizzeFlächenaufstellung: interior building line multiplied by 12.5 m max. allowable height of 18 m frontage is 225 m². Then max. Number of levels determine (sketch) helps anticipate from the bottom 0.15 m, Then check how many floors with room height + ceiling mounted 2.80 m go up to cut plaster / top edge of the roof covering material (is NOT the stucco under the roof edge, lies above) the floor is the floor, once the walls are slanted . The area is full all the DG, where the wall is at least 80cm straight. Check in spite of dedication (road width in relation to max. Allowable height permitted may not be the full height of the building class to exploit). Here 18m permissible height minus 0.15 m (rule) on the street ("so no water runs over the threshold") = 17,85:2,80 = 6.375 + DG is rounded seven floors. From this 225m ² section x 7 x 0.75 (because 0.25% is lost through various provisions: common areas, no areas without windows as a living room, ...) will result = 1181.25 m recoverable Nettonutzfläche.Der seller for floor area of 504 m² according to Land Registry EUR 500,000, have the m-basic price is 992 EUR. EUR 500 000 divided by net usable area of 1181.25 is achievable price for living area of EUR 423, but the maximum in social housing is about 280 EUR. Ie 279.00 EUR / m2 is offered.

5th Who made the plans for the Baueinreichung? Whose signature can also be done later?

Lt. BO § 65 are to be signed by the plans: - Bauwerber-all property owners (building owners are treated equitably) - Author-foreman (must not take place at Baueinreichung, but in any case in construction) 6

See differences architectural competition of the chamber and peer review processes

page 12
The architectural competition a share required by the Architects' Association because the rules governing competition (WOA) the rules of competition of intellectual achievements in architectural design sets up (such as certain Ö standards for price competition in certain material goods). Respect to the wording, so it does not involuntary commitments for owner incurred ("Memorandum to the promoter") The peer review is not bound form and therefore no approval from the Architectural Association is required. The developer has more leeway.

7th What information contains a topography?

See page 114, 4.4
location, size and function of land in an object

8th On what factors put together the total construction costs?

See page. 48 3.1.1
- Production costs (construction costs) for the building
- building costs for planning, construction administration, project development and project management, site supervision, Construction management costs,
- risk & profit,
- connection costs and fees,
- mortgage costs

9th How relevant is the selection of the building site for the total cost? What is the scale factor is the construction cost for the total cost of a construction project?

The construction costs account for only 50-60% of the total cost ausWichtige basic cost factors (handouts p. 6, 1.4.1) the purchase price plus. Cost of demolition, disposal / decontamination, assignments + Site preparation, utilities

10th What are construction classes there?

Remember you should be the upper limit of the individual Classes, and where is not to under-border lower limit be relevant in practice handout from 20.02.2009 "Building exploitable of the sites," § 75 (1) BO '
(?) - Construction class I to a maximum of 9m
- Construction Class II 12m to a maximum
- Construction Class III to a maximum of 16m
- Construction Class IV at least 12m to more than 21m (eg problem for retailers container buildings without upper floors)
- depends on construction class V to 26mMaximal maximum permitted height from the street width from

11th What are some indicators

ratio volume (including basement) of eligible land to ≤ 5.0. Ratio Gross floor area of eligible land for at least 75% utilization ratio of eligible surface area: target ratio of 1.0 to costs of eligible area
See page 105, figures in 4.2.2 Project parameters / cost

12th Why is an evidence practice, and at what time? could arise

any event before the demolition of old buildings and all actions by the damage to neighboring properties. Through careful documentation can be avoided, to vegetables to pay for damages incurred not in connection with the construction project

13th Which contains a solicitation after the Vienna building regulations?

According to § 63 BO has to contain the request:-Bauplänre design concept abstract of approval of the owner-landscaping concept (for new buildings from AC II) - Evidence of thermal and sound insulation static Vorbemessungfalls required: diagrammatic representation of photographs, Specifications, Model

14th The search for a building lot as systematic search for specific selection criteria (eg under-used properties, vacant lots land, current reallocations etc.)

Cheap land prices are sometimes possible if a Land not yet developed or not yet reached the construction stage (but achievable) is. Building site, however many times before the required reassignment substantially more expensive and holds still the dedication risk or the risk of building AusnutzbarkeitAus the offers (the market participants, see below) it is important to find the ones that lead us to expect a successful project development

15th Who is the market participants?

in Vienna could be given the following market participants:
- Vienna
- Non-profit Housing Associations
- Commercial Property Developers
- wohnfonds_wien (see handouts p. 41)
- Architects
- Agents
- Private
- Chains (locations for consumer markets)
- Fund

the important actors on the sell side are:
- wohnfonds_wien / developer competitions (see also lecture notes point 4.1.3)
- Local authorities (federal, state, community, religious community)
- Companies with large estate owned (BIG, ÖBB, post, Wiener Linien, Sivbeg etc.)
- Agents
- lawyers, notaries, trustee in bankruptcy
- Architects
- Private
- auction ( http://www.edikte.justiz.gv.at / is the website for publications of the courts, operated by the Ministry of Justice in cooperation with the Federal Data Center GmbH)

16th Safeguards and temporary use of property between purchase and construction

filling the cavities unsecured (fill in the basement, etc.) for safety, winter maintenance, insurance, regular presence on the property to prevent illegal dumps and other undesirable activities. Eg use as a parking lot is cheap (terminated at short notice!) To ensure regular income and coming and going. Fencing if possible. Any use of the fence as ad space and thereby contribute to the cost of construction of the fence, use of open space ...

17th Planning guidelines for architects

General requirements and specifications appropriate, with precise targets general, space and functional program, functional relationships (kitchen, windows, orientation of rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, bathroom and toilet facilities, general areas, ecology, economy,

18th What supplements / reductions you know See

Page 120
- Location. on the ground floor
- some northern exposure of the lounges
- some situation in Terrace
- full situation under joint terrace
- Location of driveway (noise)
- Partially located on low traffic street
- full location on low traffic street
- Location of open passage
- away homes without space (balcony, terrace)
+ additional toilet with shower in the home office
+ floor surcharge - living area without balcony of 95m ²
. Exposure and from 3 OG better view up to 12% in the 7th Stock

19th Important criteria for the assessment of funding projects submitted by the Land Board of the wohnfonds_wien

Planning, economic and ecological quality of housing projects submitted (except Einzelföderungen) is to determine the quality to raise subsidized housing projects to the highest level. The recommendations are limited to 2 years 20 (regarding funding assurance)

Important Legal framework and regulations in Vienna

(S 52, 3.4) eg building regulations Vienna Tree Protection Act, garage Law, Housing Assistance Act, redevelopment law, water rights, canal, etc. etc.Bundesgesetze, state law, municipal law, regulation


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