Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Adding Chicken Juice To Instant Gravy

It's over .... Tips

Hello loyal readers,
unfortunately we have to tell you a little sad now: We

have to close the blog, it is not possible to keep him.
reason why letters were from an attorney in which we are informing you that a person who felt himself raised in a post on the offense of defamation.

I had to make a substantial amount of money as compensation and was given the support, the blog with a period of 14 days to clear. could not follow the case followed by others, sensitive measures.

the entire something has gone stupid, we wanted to bring eigendlich just like many others, some humor into the Internet. But some people like that probably do not have to accept it ...

I regret this decision, as the Blog surely had some readers ... I hope you can live with that and do nothing rash.

in this sense


Pumuckel, stellvertertend for the whole team


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